Transferring to Midwifery Care: Pregnancy and Birth During COVID-19

Transferring to Midwifery Care: Pregnancy and Birth During COVID-19

Unless you're living under a rock, you're aware of the coronavirus. COVID-19. The viral pneumonia that has caused a global pandemic. 2020 is a year that we will never forget. There are a lot of unknowns. And for pregnant women, what is supposed to be a beautiful time in their lives, has become a time of fear and uncertainty. Pregnant women all over the world are now faced with a challenge they never could have imagined.

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Preparing for a Natural Birth

Preparing for a Natural Birth

Any mama will tell you that along with pregnancy comes some big emotional, hormonal and physical changes. As a baby grows, a pregnant woman also grows, sometimes wildly. She finds herself sharing her hopes and dreams with her little one, imagining how her pregnancy will progress, how her birth will go, and who her baby will be. It's really amazing.

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